Vol. 1 :: Issue 003 | Your Creative Rulebook

"Rules are important, but sometimes we forget that we make the rules. We can make our own rules." - Rick Rubin

When I first started pursuing voice over work, I was told by multiple coaches and industry professionals that the only way to get work was through an agent. And to get an agent, you had to have a demo reel. I was advised to wait to record one and not create it myself, as it was seen as unprofessional and a waste of time.

Something within me wouldn’t accept the advice. I was passionate about voice overs, and I wasn't willing to wait for someone to give me permission to do it. I know the people who gave the advice meant well, but it wasn’t for me at that time. So, I created my own demo reel. I reached out directly to production companies and freelance websites, and within a couple of weeks, I landed my first paid voice over role, without an agent.

Maybe I wasn't quite ready for prime time - ha! But I was ready for that next step in front of me. Which was this child carpooling app VO - my first paid voice over! Flash forward five years later, and I was able to co-create fun projects with Wired, Meta, American Express, and many more.

What's the next step in front of you?

We all experience different rules, guidelines, and structures - whether placed upon us or self-imposed. Rules we obey unconsciously are much stronger and impenetrable than those we set on purpose. And they're more likely to undermine our creativity in daily life.

"Rules are important, but sometimes we forget that we make the rules. We can make our own rules." - Rick Rubin

There’s value not only in breaking rules we’ve acquired, but also in creating your own rules. By making our own rules, we give ourselves the freedom and flexibility within a supportive structure to explore our creativity in new and fruitful ways. We can challenge ourselves to try things that might seem impossible, and we can go beyond the boundaries of what we thought was possible.


  1. Setting aside traditional notions of what constitutes "good" or "bad" art and embracing the freedom to express yourself authentically, without placing attention on external validation.

  2. Granting yourself permission to experiment with unconventional techniques or mediums, allowing for the discovery of unique expressions that break away from established norms.

  3. Establishing personal guidelines and rituals that support your creative flow, such as dedicating specific time and space for creative pursuits, creating boundaries to protect your creative energy, and nurturing a positive and nurturing creative environment.

Of course, consciously creating our own rules can also be confronting. It requires us to trust ourselves, our values, and our instincts, and it means taking responsibility for our successes and failures. It's an ever-evolving process. But that's why our rules (guidelines, structure, whatever word feels helpful to you) are important to cultivate and re-evaluate. When we create our own rules, we give ourselves the power to lovingly shape our destinies by pursuing creativity in a way that feels good to us.

Not sure what rules you have? Here are some ways to identify your creative rules, guidelines, or structures that may be helpful or limiting in one or more areas of your life, as well as strategies to cultivate and evolve new ones that are more supportive, expansive, and freeing:

  1. Reflect on your beliefs: Take time to reflect on the beliefs and assumptions you hold about yourself and your creative pursuits. Identify any rules or expectations you've adopted from external sources or internalized over time.

  2. Assess your comfort zone: Pay attention to your creative comfort zone and notice any patterns of resistance or fear. Explore whether these limitations are self-imposed or influenced by perceived societal or cultural norms.

  3. Examine past experiences: Reflect on past experiences where you felt restricted or limited in your creativity. Identify any underlying rules or expectations that may have contributed to those feelings.

  4. Explore your values: Clarify your values and what truly matters to you in your creative living journey. Determine if the current rules or structures align with those values or if they hinder your growth and expression.

  5. Seek diverse perspectives: Engage in conversations with others who have different creative backgrounds or perspectives. Listen to their experiences and insights to gain fresh perspectives on rules and guidelines.

  6. Embrace experimentation: Take calculated creative risks to challenge existing rules. Step outside your comfort zone, try new approaches, and observe how breaking or bending rules can lead to growth and expanded possibilities.

  7. Embrace flexibility: Cultivate a mindset of flexibility and adaptability. Remind yourself that rules can evolve and change as you grow and develop as a creative individual. Embrace the idea that flexibility allows for the emergence of new and more supportive rules.

  8. Practice self-reflection: Regularly engage in self-reflection to evaluate the impact of existing rules on your creative pursuits. Assess whether they still serve you or if they hinder your progress. Be open to adjusting or discarding rules that no longer align with your goals.

  9. Seek inspiration from diverse sources: Seek inspiration from various art forms, disciplines, or cultures. Explore how different people approach their craft and interests, and challenge traditional norms. Let their examples inspire you to break free from limiting rules.

  10. Embrace curiosity and continuous learning: Cultivate a curious mindset and notice the benefits of ongoing learning and growth. Explore new techniques, skills, and knowledge that can expand your creative flow. Allow yourself to evolve and develop new rules that better support your authentic self-expression.

The journey of identifying and evolving rules is deeply personal. As we're patient with ourselves and trust our intuition, we can celebrate the freedom that comes from embracing a rule-breaking and rule-creating mindset based on our values.

Your Mini Mission

... if you choose to accept it.

Break a rule you have about something you perceive as a creative pursuit. Is it asking a question you've never heard anyone ask before in public? Is it wearing a green fuzzy vest? Yellow sunglasses? Publishing an email newsletter despite negative thoughts about your writing? ;) Picking up a pen to doodle for five minutes even though there's a rule in your head that says you can't draw or you can't do things that don't feel productive? Consider doing it anyway. See what you notice.

Journal Prompt

What's one new creative medium, technique, or genre you've been curious to explore? How can you give yourself permission to take the first step towards exploring it?

As always, I’d love to hear from you. Tell me about a time you broke a rule (placed upon you, self-imposed, spoken, or unspoken) to create or experience something that was important to you. Hit reply and tell me about it please!

With love and creativity,


*Disclaimer - I'm not advocating for breaking your country's laws, or harming yourself or others :D

Creative Living Roundup

Here are some things that are bringing me insight, awe, and joy this week:

  • The Neuroscience of Creativity, Perception, and Confirmation Bias | Neuroscientist Beau Lotto talks about how uncertainty is the only place we can go if we're going to see differently. And it always begins in the same way - with a question. It begins with not knowing - With a "why?" A "what if?"

  • Tesla's Optimus Robot is Walking | This robot can walk, carry packages, water plants, and move objects. Could these robots provide additional caregiving services in the future? What are other ways they can benefit humanity? Heads up - they're quite...sci-fi looking.

  • Tina Turner | I'm absorbing as much energy and wisdom from her interviews as I can. | Here's a great one.

A Meditation I Recorded

Creative Autonomy :: A Visualization to Empower Your Creative Rulebook

This guided visualization invites you to explore the balance between helpful rules and the freedom to break and create new rules. We'll navigate the terrain of creative autonomy, honoring the value of rules while embracing the necessity to break them when needed. This will help you prioritize what's most important to you so you can create freely and with authenticity. >> Listen here.

A Poem [Excerpt] I'm Pondering

A Morning Offering

May my mind come alive today​
​To the invisible geography​
​That invites me to new frontiers,​
​To break the dead shell of yesterdays,​
​To risk being disturbed and changed.

May I have the courage today​
​To live the life that I would love,​
​To postpone my dream no longer​
​But do at last what I came here for​
​And waste my heart on fear no more.

- John O’Donohue