What does the science say?
Meditation is kind of like… sports. There are so many different kinds! Even within water sports, a free style race, diving competition, water polo, and synchronized swimming are all very unique. And each one develops different muscles and different skills. You also may be drawn to some types more than others.
Here’s what happens in the different parts of our brains when we practice different meditation techniques.
Here are the brain scans of the meditation types I teach:
Transcendent Techniques
Corpos collosum thickens; strengthening connecting between right and left hemispheres. Entire brain lights up.
Compassion + Contemplation Techniques
Imagination + Visualization Techniques
Mindfulness + Sensory Focus Techniques
Pre-frontal cortex, grey matter
Flow State
Mikael Czikzentmikay coined this term in 19— when he found that… It means..