Freedom in the Driver's Seat - Guided Car Meditations to Feel Safe and Empowered While Driving

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Freedom in the Driver's Seat - Guided Car Meditations to Feel Safe and Empowered While Driving


You Are Not Alone

Driving anxiety is very common, with a recent study showing that over 50% of American drivers have experienced this at some point.

If you’re struggling with driving anxiety, remember that your feelings are valid. You’re not irrational, inferior, or wrong. Driving is a serious responsibility and not to be taken lightly.

With “Freedom in the Driver’s Seat,” you have eight tracks to take anywhere and transform your mindset with each drive. You’ll learn that you’re never going to be able to control all the many variables that can occur when driving… but what you can guide is *you*. Your state of mind, how you feel, and how you respond to situations that arise.

When you take control, you empower yourself to trust in your own capabilities.

After working with a therapist and developing my own tools for being behind the wheel, I decided to put the breathing techniques and calming rituals into this driving meditation album to help you, too.

I believe that calm, confident drivers are great drivers.

Why Meditation?

Unlike some meditations that take you away from your current reality, these are designed to keep you firmly in the present. Learn the skills to increase your focus and empower you behind the wheel.

By listening to this guided car meditation album you can:

  • Settle your mind and body

  • Learn and use a driving mantra to stay relaxed on the road while gently expanding your awareness

  • Experience powerful mindset shifts for every drive

  • Develop confidence and ease in different driving situations

Meditation Album Tracks

  1. Your Driving “Why” (7:10)

  2. Settling in Before the Drive (7:03)

  3. A Driving Mantra (6:26)

  4. Dealing with Traffic and Busy Roads (5:51)

  5. Highway Driving (6:35)

  6. Driving in New Places (7:05)

  7. Road Rage (7:00)

  8. Trusting Yourself (6:20)

Notice of Risk: By listening to these guided meditations you acknowledge your responsibility to always stay alert while driving. If at any time you feel the meditations are a distraction, please stop listening.

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Excerpts from the album